So-Psy promotes the ideas of social psychiatry in the public domain. It supports patients and their families in the fight against discrimination against mental illnesses. In addition, it advises health authorities on the development of evidence-based services that promote recovery within the community.


Training and conferences

Develop multidisciplinary skills concerning recovery from mental health problems and their social inclusion.


So-Psy organizes an annual scientific day. Our days offer essential programmes for continuing education. They are also a platform for exchanging practices and questions.

So-Psy’s educational resources support continuing education in social psychiatry. So-Psy’s goal is to develop accessible educational material in order to achieve a broad culture of community recovery amongst affected individuals, their friends and families, and professionals in the caregiving and social sectors.




So-Psy promotes social psychiatric research


So-Psy encourages interest in social psychiatry by awarding an annual prize to a young person for carrying out a project in the field of research, teaching or clinical work. So-Psy encourages the publication of student work in the Swiss Archives of Neurology, Psychiatry and Psychotherapy.In particular, So-Psy informs the basic training of physicians as well as post-graduate specialist training in psychiatry and psychotherapy (FMH) with regard to the integration of the social dimensions of mental health recovery. So-Psy promotes multidisciplinary training in social psychiatry in partnership with the relevant parties. In the language regions, it offers all interested parties continuing education in social psychiatry.


So-Psy supports the publication of articles, recommendations and other tools to spread knowledge about recovery from mental disorders and their social inclusion.


So-Psy collaborates with the Swiss Archives of Neurology, Psychiatry and Psychotherapy as an editor for articles on social psychiatry.Keep your social psychiatric knowledge up to date by subscribing to So-Psy’s open access articles for free.The guidelines provide recommendations for evidence-based best practices. They are essential for guiding people and informing their daily decision-making. Psychoeducation documents improve self-reliance in health management and the partnership between affected individuals, their friends and families, and professionals.


Political influence

So-Psy promotes policies which support recovery from mental health problems and their social inclusion.


So-Psy maintains dialogues with health care providers in Switzerland, health policy-makers and other associations involved in the field of mental health. It is fighting for official recognition of social psychiatry at both the cantonal and national levels. SSPS defends the interests of all partners in the field of social psychiatry.

So-Psy defends a vision of community-based mental disorder recovery founded upon scientific evidence integrating biological, psychological, and social dimensions. This vision involves multi-disciplinarity, clinical case management, a networked approach and cross-cutting funding for interventions.



2019-2024 Strategic Plan

This five-year strategic plan ensures that So-Psy's priorities remain fully aligned with its mission

Strategic objectives

Our mission

Promote the recovery of persons with mental health problems within the community

Our vision

Achieve recognition as a leading authority in the field of social psychiatry


Working groups

So-Psy working groups bring together experts to develop reflections, positions, research and teaching in specific areas of social psychiatry.


Develop multidisciplinary exchanges and reflections in the fields of:
Rights, individual freedoms, discrimination, stigmatization
Peers, partnership, shared decision-making, advance declarations
